We state an obvious truism on our website at the Coeur d’Alene law firm of Palmer George & Taylor PLLC, from which we diligently promote the interests of diverse clients in family law matters.
And that is this: “Every father deserves to be a part of his or her child’s life.”
Notwithstanding that all reasonable people get that, of course, the fair treatment of fathers in family law matters involving child custody, visitation, support outcomes and additionally important consideration has in fact been anything but uniformly ensured In Idaho and elsewhere over the years.
In fact, a look back at television reruns from bygone decades will quickly reveal a clear and long-entrenched stereotype regarding parental roles.
To wit: Dad works outside somewhere and brings the paycheck home, having minimal contact with the kids or anything having to do with home-based family affairs. And, mom, conversely, is the home manager and ultra-wise regarding every child-focused matter.
Such notions did indeed have family implications, with some obvious downsides for dads seeking close and continuing contact with children following divorce. Even today, we note on our site, there is the possibility of “personal bias” forthcoming from some judges who favor mothers in divorce outcomes.
But that is certainly not the norm these days, and fathers have every reasonable expectation that they will be treated fairly in all matters concerning child rearing.
Timely and well-considered input from attorneys at a proven family law firm can help ensure such an outcome.
The deep legal team at Palmer George & Taylor PLLC collectively brings more than a century of on-point family law advocacy to bear on behalf of fathers — and moms, too, of course — in wide-ranging family matters.
We welcome contacts to the firm and the opportunity to help clients in family-related matters of fundamental importance.